The Simpsons: Homer Badman (1994)
Season 6, Episode 9
Punching Up
27 August 2020
The Simpsons makes some good jabs here- media more interested in selling ads than truth. But as some of the reviews of this episode show, this episode spreads the entirely wrong take on how claims of sexual harassment and assault are treated.

Especially in the context of 1994. The almost all male writers of this episode were completely aware of the Anita Hill testimony and other public cases. In none of those cases were men immediately or overwhelmingly condemned by media. Instead every major news organization and leaders of both parties (including Biden) either believed it was a he-said-she-said or that she was a "spurned woman" to quote one US senator.

This episode makes the mistake that the Simpsons almost never do. It punched down. It made a female baby sitter seem like an all powerful leader of a witch hunt while poor homer is a victim of media lies. Overwhelmingly the opposite is true in real life.
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