Review of Katy Keene

Katy Keene (2020)
I could do without the singing and several actors, but still I really enjoyed Katy Keene.
1 September 2020
The singing in this isn't very good tbh. Some characters were difficult to like because they're so self-absorbed. I really wish this had less singing because the singing scenes were cringe a lot of the time. I love Katy Keene though, and KO. Jorge began to grow on me, but it was rough because he's such a brat and always making everything about himself. I could've done with less of his story. He's very ungrateful and has gotten away with acting like a petulant child because he's gay, which contradicts what he claims to want. It was confusing. I would've liked to see some real personal growth and him doing something for someone else, without it really being about him or Ginger. I liked Ginger much more. Pepper and Josie were similar in that they both had some moments where I thought Wow, I don't really like this person. I didn't entirely warm up to them. The only gpod and nice characters were Katy and KO. I even liked Jorge's family more than the rest of the cast. Despite the fact that these characters aren't the best and the singing was mediocre and at times very cringe, I still really liked the show because of Katy's story. This show tried to make it too much about these other hard-to-like characters, when more of the focus should've been on Katy. I really disliked Xandra, her weak step brother and their dad, but that's the point right? Lucy Hale's Katy Keene is really the only thing this show had going for it that kept me watching. I wish there was going to be a Season 2, mainly because I'd like to see how Katy's life plays out, but I can live without it.
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