One by One (2014)
My First Review, but here you go!
5 September 2020
I was brought up watching Rik from the early eighties, a comedy genius.

Today I stumbled upon this movie via youtube side links, that is, I wasn't searching for the title, and I knew nothing of it's origins or content. Anyway, I watched it. It kept me there for the entire movie without me switching or without me browsing elswhere (NB: I was really only testing my new bluetooth JBL headphones, so to keep me hooked until the end of the movie is a big plus)

The movie seemed to preach like a junior bible story at times. The bible stories consisted of the villain establisment types - the Romans or Egyptians and the heros being the chosen few such as Moses people or Jesus disciples: both these people were enlightened and would 'spread the word' by contrast the movie's villians was the new world order, and the heros were those of the seminars who were apparently enlightened and wanted to 'spread the word'

Seems to be a bit of a cult - like all religions or fanatatical beliefs.

One quote that bothered me "no one else is responsible for anyone else's feelings" - this was said as almost one of the first doctrinations - it turned me off a little bit and reminded me of Voltaire's Candide's 'best of all possible worlds'... ...I believe we live in a connected world where everybody is responsible for everybodies feelings, and if not, then are we no better than the tyrany it tried to warn us from?

Overall it was a good attempt and an interesting watch.

Philosophy for the pop kids to ponder

Spoilers are for losers
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