One of the Best Horror Documentaries Ever!!!
6 September 2020
If you absolutely love horror films from the 1980's, then this documentary is made for you. They cover a lot in 4 hours, but there was still a lot left out. Hopefully the sequel will cover the rest. This doc. starts in 1980, and works its way up to 1989, from Friday the 13th, to Halloween, to Q: The Winged Serpent, to The Stuff, The Fog, The Thing, Child's Play, Nightmare on Elm Street, holiday horror like Silent Night Deadly Night, Black Christmas, My Bloody Valentine, Prom Night, Happy Birthday to Me, New Year's Evil, Maniac, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Phantasm, and much more with actors and directors such as Tom Atkins from Halloween 3 and Creepshow, Joe Bob Briggs, John Carpenter who directed Halloween, The Fog, The Thing and Christine, Kane Hodder who played Jason in Friday the 13th Parts 7-10, Lloyd Kaufman, Bill Moseley from The Devil's Rejects and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Don Mancini who created Chucky, Caroline Williams, Greg Nictotero and much more. I highly recommend IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS!!!
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