Review of Mulan

Mulan (2020)
30 dollars and 2 hours I'll never get back.
8 September 2020
Dear Disney,

I already had Disney+ and you made us pay an extra 30 bucks on top of our subscription to watch this movie.

Now, if you're gonna charge 30 bucks for people to watch a movie, the movie better be so good that I end up raving about it for years to come. But instead, you wasted my money, time, and left such a bitter taste in my mouth.

There were the very, very few good things I can pick apart from this movie, but a grand majority of this movie is a cesspool.

So here are the 'good' things about this movie- -NO SONGS! No opportunity to BUTCHER the classic songs we love. THANK YOU! -The actor for Mulan's dad was great. Probably the best actor of the entire thing. -Cinematography looked good. Plenty of frame shots I would definitely make into a screensaver if I wanted to. -Costume design was beautiful.

And that's all the good I can really lay down.

This movie tried to take itself so seriously, that it turned into a joke. And not a funny one at that. There were moments where I burst out in sudden laughter at how ridiculous some things were. Basically, for the people that don't know, this movie is not trying to replicate it's animated source. It's trying to adapt the original Chinese folk song/ballad about Mulan. So the original implication was that there would be no magic, no slapstick comedy, no musical moments. A serious and meaningful war movie. Did we the viewer get any of that in the one hour and 50 minutes we were watching this?

Nope. The acting was flat, the plot was a mess, suspension of belief out the window in probably less than 30 minutes because they added a certain subplot last minute that tried to make sense but just confused me even more than I already was about the movie. The fight choreography was not all that impressive. Some of it laughable. And lastly, there's genuinely no heart to this movie. It's such a blatant cash grab, and I'm annoyed that yet another one of my favorite Disney classics got a live action reboot where they butchered everything.

I'm actually making count now. So far, we've had live action reboots of Cinderella (decent), Jungle Book (fine), Beauty and The Beast (Awful), Aladdin (Awful), The Lion King (Atrocious), and now Mulan (Awful).

Strap in your seats fellas. Next is live action Little Mermaid.

Until then, all I can say to Disney and Bob Igher is, DISHONOR ON YOU, DISHONOR ON YOUR COW! Wasted my money for yet another piss poor live adaption. STOP with the live action remakes and make NEW original stories.

Save your money people. Go watch the original Mulan on repeat with your kids. I know I surely needed to do so to recover from this waste of my time.

4/10 stars. For a big budget movie, it deserves to be a Direct-to-video movie if I had to be honest.
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