Watch only if you're a Seagal groupie and even then only if you're drunk and senile; most folks are better of getting a Karate Chop
17 September 2020
Good points: most of the women are good-looking; drone scenes of city capitals and other scenery are gorgeous; some blood and guts here for fans of that stuff

Bad points: disjointed dense story; too bad it had a kernel of potential; Bad acting and wooden dialogue; first half of movie was folks crying over fellow team guy's death (but zero emotion for all the other dead bloody bodies); second half was a lot of jumbled mostly incoherent scenes; Seagal should retire on a beach, and eat donuts and ice pop.

Bottom line: the Trailer was 100 times better than the movie; many folks would find poking yourself in the eye more enjoyable; seagal starting to look like a Fat Dracula with the personality of a screw driver; anybody who rates this higher than a 1 (wish there was a lower number) needs to get their head examined.
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