Review of Risk

Risk (I) (2016)
Let's make it all about me
17 September 2020
Such an important story, what an utter shame and travesty the director decided to make it all about herself. Her voice over about her feelings on the events she was granted front row seats to, the creepy music she opted to score the film with, the shots she chose to use from obviously hours of possible footage, the way she decided to frame the shots (low, under, close up, creepy), how it absolutely REEKS of pretentious New York indie film maker. I'm sure she doesn't even realise how inappropriate her take on this story is, but it is so much a par for the course with most of the current crop of film makers. all about the lighting, camera angle and colour grade, the honesty of the actual real story is secondary, let's put in another jump scare etc.

What a wasted and lost opportunity to know what really makes Assange tick.

This is just 'tabloid click bait headline' stuff that shows no indication that Poitras understood the importance of the story and material and people involved in this, and probably didn't with Citizen 4. She was the wrong person in the right place, what a waste. If you squint your eyes really hard you can sort of get a look past the showy pretense of Poitras' American shock drama framing to the real people behind it all, but only just and only glimpses. Assange is a man driven to seek honesty and justice in the world and he says as much, buried under Poitras terrible film making. Well a least Poitras had fun, that's the main thing, right. Hopefully she'll jump off her cash cow tangent, (Assange, Snowden, Manning) and let these people get on with putting their lives at risk for a worthy cause with out this clown jeapordising theirs (and our) freedom.
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