Review of Don't Talk

Don't Talk (1942)
Today is not the first Time of Trouble for the USA . . .
26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . as DON'T TALK reveals. During World War Two, the Authorities not only had to fight the Axis of Evil on many foreign fronts (generally divided between the European and Pacific Theaters of Operation). Here in our own U.S. Homeland, they also had to battle the traitorous 40% of the civilian population constituting The Fuhrer's Base of Core Supporters. The Good War would have been lost here on the Home Front had not our valiant FBI agents examined EVERY scrap of U.S. garbage--from used bandages and napkins to discarded potato skins and dinner rolls, as pictured 10 minutes into DON'T TALK. As shown here, the Good Guys also had to shoot dead a significant quantity off the Evil 40%. Since Today's conditions are very similar to those of WWII, after you watch this short, please support your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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