What an eyesore
1 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This movie is just...wow. Okay, let's get started. Meet our main protagonist, we'll call him EyeGuy (you'll SEE why in a minute; SEE what I did there?). EyeGuy is taking his pregnant wife to the doctor. Now, being the super-intellectual EyeGuy is, he is filming his wife in the car--while driving. I literally said out loud, "Yeah, cause when I'm driving my pregnant wife around and celebrating the concept of my unborn child, I also don't pay any attention to my surroundings." Literally five seconds later, their car is involved in an accident. EyeGuy loses an Eye and EyeWife loses the baby.

Cut to ten months later and we see EyeGuy designing himself his very own homemade EyeBall/EyeCamera/EyeMicrophone/EyeCloud. I literally had to pause the movie just to rant about how stupid this entire concept was. First of all, prosthetic eyes are very specifically designed. They're measured to fit each individual person's socket. Secondly, they're made out of very specific materials so as to be non-reactive with the human body. This means: You don't have a big metal USB dongle jabbing into your orbital socket! And putting yarn on it to replicate the blood vessels? I can't even begin to state how much irritation and how many infections and how much sepsis that would cause. I'm not really sure the purpose of the plot-device is, since it brings nothing new to the table. I suppose it's meant to excuse the "Why wouldn't they drop the camera?" idea, but it really doesn't. We see the POV of another character's camera all the time, so what was the point? There's also the fact that it picks up sound and EyeGuy has it bonked out of his head at least twice and never bothers to disinfect it before jamming it back in his head.

So EyeGuy and Eyewife are going on a cabin trip with their friends. They see a burning ball of light in the sky and something crashes to Earth--All without making the slightest impact noise. Hate to tell you this sweetie, but even something the size of the rock/incubator we see crashing to Earth is gonna make a noise you'd hear for miles (and destroy a significant area around it). Anyway, our EyeClub decides to shove their arms into the crater to see what's what. Because, you know, flaming deathballs aren't hot or anything. There's also absolutely no chance it's radioactive. Well, thanks to utter stupidity, the EyeClubForMen is now lost in the woods. From nowhere they hear EyeGuy's dog barking and follow it into a cave. They find a phone (was it the brothers? I don't know) and get menaced by an unknown entity. But we better not tell the girls what happened. Because, you know, women are weak chicken-headed creatures that will panic at the slightest provocation.

Well, anyway, we better batten down to protect ourselves. And by that, we mean, leave windows open and pray the massive glass doors are enough to protect us from the creature. Guess what, its not. So a bunch of jump-scares and shadows roam about. Well, I better re-lock the door despite the fact that its now clear the creature is inside the house...well, safe forever! One of the EyeFriends gets assaulted and later sleepwalks (sleep-hypnosis) into the woods. The EyeClub soon follow--despite the fact they couldn't find their own way home earlier. This whole thing really reminded me of the story of: A goat fell down the well, so Guy01 goes to save it and dies, so Guy02 goes to save him and dies, so Guy03--you get the point.

Well, it just so happens this cabin in the woods is very near The Largest Cornfield in Creation. But once again our heroes become lost. So, to save themselves they tie some balloons (yes, they brought a helium tank with them into the woods--wait, they didn't?) to the camera to send it aloft. They also happened to bring the longest string possible with them. Well, it seems our unknown entity has a penchant for stripping people naked (don't worry, you won't see any nudity) and leaving their empty clothes all layed out nice and neat in a cornfield. Our heroes banter back and forth about the creature's motivation and it goes exactly nowhere. Well, two of the EyeClub decide they're going to bicycle for help (the car is on the fritz) and are immediately lifted into the air and out of the movie.

Now it's just EyeGuy and his shrieking harridan of a wife. God this woman is really insufferable. Anyway, EyeGuy figures out the creature wants the meteorite/rock/incubator that he took out of the ground. But EyeGuy is super-smart; he's not going to give it up unless the creature submits to his terms of returning his friends. Um, buddy, you just saw that this creature had the ability/technology to lift people up into the air and make this disappear with nothing but a thought--I really don't think you're in the strongest bargaining position. Well, surprise surprise, the creature immediately overpowers our heroes and takes his wife. Well, he cries a little and the creature is revealed to be an alien. The rock turns out to be holding its baby. So, with baby in hand, the alien returns EyeGuy's friends, departs, and thanks to 911 the airforce is here to help--wait--what? Since when does 911 call the airforce--I don't even care anymore, we're done!

Thoughts: Jeez, what a mess of a movie. The "REC" symbol everywhere is completely immersion breaking and the fake camera-eye brings nothing to the table. The dialogue is abysmal. I literally commented that "If this was some other movie, everything they say would be credited as: Additional Dialogue By." When its not "look out" or "good morning" the dialogue is in par with Lassie. "I saw something." "You say you saw something?" "Yes, I saw something." "What did you see?" "I saw something!" "You saw something?" It's just ridiculously annoying how circular their conversations become. The accents are atrocious and ninety percent of the time it sounds like they're being dubbed over in ADR. The acting is ludicrous. I know its a staple of these films that the characters are called upon to act like idiots, but these people can't sell even the most basic human emotions. And what (very) little characterization we get comes out of nowhere and goes nowhere. There's a throwaway scene that shows that EyeGuy is veering towards alcoholism, its never spoken of before, or afterwards. Of course, I was too busy laughing so hard at "As your doctor" that I spit my drink out. There's also a scene where the wife goes from totally having me in her corner to immediately making me loathe her. Her and EyeGuy are having a moment where he is having a breakdown at the thought of trying for another child. He breaks down and cries and admits that he's not prepared emotionally for such a risk. Not trying to downplay that a man can't also be affected by such a thing, but dude, she had a life inside her body! But of course, EyeWife immediately loses all support when she issues an ultimatum that he give her a baby or risk losing her too! Um, if your entire relationship is based on the premise of him existing solely as your donor--perhaps you two don't need to be together. The rest of the characters? What other characters? OH RIGHT! Jeez, they were so one-dimensional I actually forgot they existed. Well, I'm sure their contribution to the story was so integral that it need not be mentioned.

Final Verdict: To be avoided. I will admit that there were a (precious) few scenes that had potential, but it's squandered in the hands of amateurs. The first scene in the cornfield had a lot of "Well, at least you're on the same continent as scary." moments. But given what we learn in the end, the entire premise of the fear is kind of stupid. The moment when they spot the balloons they'd been using to mark their path now clumped together and only a few feet away had potential. But with the ending, it begs the question of: Why would the alien be doing any of this? If someone kidnapped my kid, I don't think I'd spend my time gathering balloons just to spook them. As someone else pointed out: Shouldn't the alien be smarter than this? You can figure out intergalactic travel but you can't say "Hey! I'm sure you didn't mean to, but that's my kid you stole!" We're told that the alien is trying to use various members of the EyeClub to communicate, but it never pays off. Why not have your mind-minion just say "Give me back my kid!" Even if you assume it can only pick up simple words, "Give child" doesn't seem all that complicated. Bad acting, ungodly science on the CameraEye, terrible dialogue, ludicrous behavior, and mediocre scares at best.
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