Grand Star (2007– )
4 Stars for making me laugh a lot.
6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that it is garbage to a large extent, and yes, why would you use so much energy when there was a shortage? But it made me laugh a lot, sometimes because there were funny bits, and sometimes because it was so naff. I kept watching it for its unintended entertainment value. I mention no names, but actors who act mainly by sideways twitches of the face and pursing of the lips, are extremely annoying. My hubby dislikes actors who go around with their mouths open all of the time. The romantic scenes between Cal and Suki were yukky, mainly because there was no chemistry there and it looked acted, besides the fact that he looked far too young to have that kind of strong attractiveness. Personally I think that she should have gone with my favourite character, Damien, who was far more mature and funny, although his fuhrerfest at the end was a bit much. I had a lot of sympathy with the character because I thought that he was very used and abused, so it's no wonder that the worm turned big time. I laughed and replayed the scene in the railway carriage at the end where his hair looked like as if he had had an electric shock. Funny to the end.
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