Black Box (II) (2020)
Get Out?
22 October 2020
I liked this quite a bit more then I thought I would. Especially coming off the heels of Nocturne. While not great, there's definitely more of a heart to this movie. There's a bit of a father daughter thing going on that grounds this in a more relatable way. Plus, the horror in this is interwoven in the story in a way that works. I can't say it's really scary or unique, as it does rip a lot of ideas from other things. I like that this is more of a drama then a horror movie. However, around the halfway point it takes a turn. There's a big reveal that completely shifts the movie. The first half is about a man trying to remember his past like in a typical amnesia driven plot. Then it shifts into something else. Which may work for some but it kind of turned me off towards it. It took a sympathetic main character and turned him into someone horribly unlikeable. It doesn't ruin the movie because the writting is decent and the performances are really good. Those two things carry a lot of this strange Get Out inspired thing. Other then that, the father daughter relationship is quite nice. I wish that was more developed in the second half. Aside from that and the reveal at the midpoint, it's worth checking out.
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