Man it never ends the monsters....
26 October 2020
....that keep carbon copying trying to '...get back to the garden...' - be it 'Synanon' 'Scientology' 'EST' 'Children of God', 'Prosperity Gospel hucksters' 'communism' Bhagham Shri Rajneesh, 'Hale Bopp Comet's 'Heavens Gate'....

granted the foregoing are varying levels of this insanity but they have one thing in common - we have the truth, don't trust anyone else, proselytize - get more to join, separate from your family and friends, free yourself sexually, let the leader 'bang' you if he/she wants, we have the path back to the garden and we can overcome anything God has put there to block it

(MT 11:12)
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