"He's not a man like you and me - he's a demon!" O yeah, a demon who walks slower than a snail n has claws instead of hands.
27 October 2020
I saw this for the first time recently. Aft enjoying the director's Grave Robbers, i decided to see this film which got some very good reviews but found it to be a total time waster.

It shud have been titled Morgue Robbers, kinda duology.

On Halloween nite a bunch of teens steal a corpse from a morgue n take it to a cemetery n perform some rituals to scare their girlfriends to make them closer to them. Unknown to em, the corpse is of a sadistic serial killer who himself was into satanism. They leave the body in the cemetery n relax in a nearby abandoned house. The dead corpse revive back and along with it many dead rise from their graves.

The plot n acting is ludicrous. The guy who played the doc (Hugo Stiglitz) looks like a slimmer version of Peter Jackson. He is easily recognizable from NIGHTMARE CITY. He claims to know how to destroy the demon but endlessly keeps on driving in a car for nearly 36 mins n that too without any idea. Top cop's kids r missing n there is no other cop shown searching for the kids. The demon possesses supernatural powers but walks slower than a snail. The zombies r an insult as they r easily evaded by small kids. The film has some gory deaths but it gets monotonous. The demon slashes most people with his hands as if he is a tigerman or wolfman. The teens doesnt even get to smooch properly, so forget about any nudity. They r jus asked by the director to waste solid amount of time in jus trying to kiss or trying to get laid. I will spare the small kids' horrendous acting. It looked as if those kids were just enjoying themselves. The entry n exit n robbing of a corpse from a morgue is a joke. The end is a big wtf.
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