The Falklands Play (2002 TV Movie)
Excellent political drama, occasional flawed casting
21 November 2020
A wonderful reminiscence of the great days of the 80s - Mrs Thatcher in Downing Street and Reagan in the White House. So much for BBC claims to impartiality when they happily commission uncounted Left wing plays but refused to broadcast this one because it showed Mrs Thatcher in a good light.

One important player notably absent, except as a voice on the telephone, is General Galtieri, maybe the House of Commons set consumed too much of the budget? The depiction of Reagan has attracted some criticism, I thought it a reasonably good likeness, and if he was somewhat forgetful , well no ones perfect.

Of course when a film is made of a fictional book it's reasonable to take some liberties, for example Anthony Perkins was better looking than the original description of Norman Bates. Where real people are portrayed, realism is more important so at the risk of being pedantic I'll mention a couple of casting errors. Jeremy Child would have made a splendid Prince Charles (as a Baronet he's almost as grand) but his voice and features are far too sharp for Foreign Secretary Francis Pym. Pym was a rather squat, stooped old boy, described by a contemporary Parliamentary sketch writer as being like a tortoise observing its surrounding with an infinite caution. Martin Oldfield would have been fine as Lenin or Clement Attlee, but Enoch Powell? The Midlands accent is good but as it's only a half minute appearance couldn't they have used an actor with a bit more hair?
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