The Christmas Doctor (2020 TV Movie)
Worth Watching Again Next Year
22 November 2020
I have two criteria for saying a movie is really good. First, I don't feel the need to use the fast forward button to get through the parts that are overly trite, overly sugary dialogue and poor chemistry or acting. Hallmark ramping up the number of holiday movies they make each year usually results in some or all of these traits being evident in their holiday movies. The second criteria is if I'd want to watch it again next year. There are certain Hallmark movies I'm happy to watch every year like The Christmas Card. Great chemistry, good acting and dialogue that doesn't feel forced like some of their current crop. They also have jumped on the diversity bandwagon to sometimes the detriment of the movie. It just feels forced sometimes when the actors have no chemistry or when blacks and Asians are constantly relegated to secondary and tertiary roles. Like they just filled certain racial "slots". This movie had everything I enjoy. Great chemistry not only between the two leads but also their chemistry with the supporting players who were all very believable in their roles. Sentimental but not like the sugary sayings inside a Hallmark card. For me The Christmas Doctor hit the right notes. My only criticism applies to all holiday movies- cut back the holiday decorations by at least half. No one but a mall decorated like that. It gives me a toothache just looking at it, especially when it's some bachelor's place where I know he'd be more likely to have a few cards displayed and that's it.
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