Another Fleapit Masterpiece
29 November 2020
Along with such films as ' It Conquered the World ', ' Day the World Ended ' and a few other such fleapit masterpieces, this is the most fun. Fleapit cinemas were really low grade cinemas in the UK, especially in the 1950's and relished programming these films, enticing audiences in with ' X ' certificates foolishly granted by our British Board of Film Censors. ' Invasion of the Hell Creatures ' is an alien invasion film that does not take itself seriously and from the opening cartoon drawn credits to an alien hand promising to return it is hilarious and good natured. It is a very low budget masterpiece with minimal effects and the poster outrageously shows cities destroyed etc and the inevitable monster holding a scantily clad woman. Instead of that you get ' teenagers ' looking well over twenty handling the monster invasion better than the adults. The monsters make this the tawdry masterpiece it is. There is nothing quite like them in any other Science Fiction/ Horror film that I have seen. It is hilarious, delightfully creepy even after all these years and well worth seeing. But beware of cut versions. If one of those Hell monsters does not have its eye pierced you know it is a cut version. If you search around on the Internet you will find both cut and uncut easily. I have seen it at least twenty times, and it is always fresh. A 10 for making an endearing film out of next to no money, and do not believe the acting is poor. They are having a lot of fun in the film and it shows.
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