This movie got me to thinking an age old question... Are Religions and/or Cults Nurture or Nature?!
1 December 2020
So, what's the honest difference between an organization with millions of true believers with money and an organizations with thousands of believers with money of which 99.9% of each group of followers vow to be bound to their groups to their deaths if called upon yo prove their faith by dying for the leader whose individual philosophies they embrace, and get led/taught from, by "the one"? If anyone answers this question based on a belief system's age, global memberships, annual fiscal intake or any number of these frivolous type answers in an attempt to differentiate between what is a religion and/or cult, just give up now regarding either. Just take either groups' people, yours or theirs, and/or any others that answered this question in such a way, for the same amount of therapy and possibly much more than that u'all are accusing the others of different groups of needing, because they and you are indeed as mentally imbalanced, unhealthy, confused, misgided, manipulated, lied to for all your deep pockets of wealth, so how do you and your group dare consider yourselve's group any less mentally disturbed? As a matter of fact, if honesty is what's up, what is the tru difference between a religion and a cult. If you think only your faith is correct and everyone else's is a cult, then therapy has your name written all over it. Regardless of what title/name/brand/ID is applied to a group of followers of whatever or certain belief, when face-to-face neither can continually respect or tolerate the others' presence/faith as individuals/groups for long, even when classified under the same umbrella ID/name. Two or more opposite-believing factions at some point will end up in bloody confrontation trying to prevent any perceived or possible brainwashing from one or within any other of their group - - which is exactly what a group's intentions are, and why they're jumping to conclusions brought on by their own paranoia, by trying to beat the other group to the punch by throwing the first punch - - exploding as much opposite non-believer blood all over everywhere, each other, plus any Innocents caught up in the melee, which if/when this sort of thing happens, they (whomever/whichever groups are involved) later point fingers at each other or, if real push-comes-to-shove, the groups both just claim that ole adage, "...collateral damage...", wherein neither takes responsibility for the outburst(s) of violence, rage, jealousy, ignorance or stupidity, leaving the families, friends, the communities, and the government in the form of taxpayer dollars to clean up the messes left behind by waring zealots, whom unknowingly, because they are so stuck-on-stupid, are doing nothing to improve their mental and emotional lots, but instead they are ONLY SECURING & INSURING THEIR NDIVIDUAL "PIMP'N" LEADER'S BANK ROLL. And, if the truth is to be told/known, brainwashing from another group is a real threat because each individuals groups' leader filled their member ranks by brainwashing, so why not use the truth/reason/excuse used to prevent paying members from switching groups with their bank accounts in tow by getting the currently brainwashed members to prevent the obviously other gullibles from disconnecting from the current group, which is how they brainwashed them away from their families and the good part of society as s whole in the first place. The leaders teach faith, but only embrace greed. So, no matter how many truly global faithful member lives are lost when they encourage these faith based wars to keep their membership up, leadership doesn't ever suffer...never ever! If the gtoup loses a war, they steal the group's wealth just moving on, leaving the shattered, shattered and start grifting anew somewheres else...

All this brought about by the collaborative disgusting, deliberate and greedy misleaderships of each faction whom will often put their heads together to pull off dven bigger scams. The leaders are nothing but grifters after all! Isn't it funny how the heads of each of these religions/cults always manage to get away unscathed, untouched, unharmed in any manner, taking with them all the money/riches/wealth, leaving behind them only empty safes, vaults, holes in the the house's wine cellars to the barns root cellers. Don't forget all those empty holes in the yards, fields and those with tombstones on them tressed-up like family crips/plots/graves. No one ever sees the leaders again in life. Yes, like I said, they scurry off to start a whole new same-same, game-game under a new name-name. LOL! Creating more wars, havoc & strife whenever they come face-to-face with each other. Plus, the very simple fact that each of them thinks that they are a groups answer to happiness when the only person getting happy is them, the one at the top of the pyramid schemes, because they have so many quote-unquote believers & followers pyramid-paying the heads of the institutions that they believe in and are bound to--them, the leader. As believers that were being abused, they are now unknowingly paying a new abuser to abuse them.

If a people live their whole lives believing in one belief, from birth to death, generation after generation, how many ever got/get to truly know themselves, because they were taught to live in fear, never to challenge the teachings?! Why do so many challenge government after government, but never challenge religion after religion?

Are Religions and/or Cults Nurture or Nature?!
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