The Five (2011– )
I record The Five, that way I can fast forward through JW's marathon comments and not have to listen to his idiotic far left opinions. I enjoy the other four.
19 December 2020
I like and watch The Five most of the time and I used to be able to accept the opposing opinions of Juan Williams but now I just mute him. He is incapable of providing an answer to a question without running off at the mouth trashing Pres. Trump. In addition he goes on and on and on and if someone tries to interject an comment his retort is "let me finish" but he doesn't finish unless Dana interrupts him to go to a new topic. He is quite rude. It wouldn't break my heart to see him replaced.

I like The Five. I just wish when viewers questions are asked the hosts would not talk over each other so I can't hear or understand their answers. Like today a question was who at Fox would you like to trade places with. I couldn't make out Jesse's answer. Greg said the guy who seats flip flops. I think Harold said Bret, not sure though. Never heard Judge Jeanine's answer and I don't think Dana said anything.
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