We needed Vampires or Zombies or Nudity
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Many flaws in this crappola movie, such as:
  • A habitable Moon circling Jupiter with Colorado landscape AND air...!
  • Some kind of unexplained Apocalypse on Earth (with radiation) that is/will affect the entire planet -- even the poles -- within days. Would never happen, not even with a WW3.
  • George Clooney's character never gets hypothermia, even though a normal person would be dead after the first "incident."
  • Clooney's character has cancer or some terminal disease -- and NEVER hallucinates except about an "imaginary" 6 year old girl. Huh?? (Which we later learn would be his daughter from the past -- who he's never even met. WTF?) How convenient that he only hallucinates about that.
  • Since his 6 year old daughter isn't actually there, how'd the fire get started in the kitchen? Or who left the half-eaten bowl of cereal on the table? And what effing idiot wrote this effing script?
  • The spacecraft goes off course early in the movie (just like the movie itself!), and is so off course, they have to map a new route to Earth. What a bunch of crap. This is 2049. Spacecraft in 2020 (heck, even in the last century) don't go off course this bad. They are always course-correcting, CONSTANTLY.
  • But now because it's SO off course, they have to map a new route, and there's a section in our Solar System that hasn't been mapped so taking that route could be dangerous. WHAT? Our entire Solar System has been mapped. It was mapped 40+ years ago. Scientists know where all the astroid belts are, etc. And it's not 2020 anyway, it's 2049!
  • When the Maya character gets a life-threatening injury, there is no doctor or medical expert among the crew of 5. WHAT? Give me a break. How ludicrous.

Now for some cliches:
  • Of course, we have to have scenes where the space craft has trouble communicating with Earth. Check.
  • And we have to have people from the spacecraft do a space walk, where one of more will be in danger of being killed while outside the craft. Check.
  • And one of them will be killed, and it will be the character with the smallest role. Check. (As soon as the Maya character was told she'll be going out to help fix the damage from the meteor shower, I knew she'd be dying.)

One of the writers of this movie, was the writer of "The Revenant" -- another SnoreFest. Maybe someday he can learn how to write a script that can hold an audience's attention. Of all the Oscar Nominations "The Revenant" got, not one for the writing! The other writer of this lame movie, has apparently never written a script before. If only these 2 writers had added some Vampires or Zombies or something a little more engaging, I might have added an extra star or two. ;)

And why did George Clooney direct this? Why, George, why? Your best movie was your first, "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind." Everything since then you've directed has been mediocre. Has too much success blunted your creative edge in life? You need to pick better material, and/or better writers to improve the scripts you choose.
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