Biting the hand that feeds you...
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is an strange film shot not in full scene and I wondered whether that was done on purpose to further emphasise the claustrophobic condition in which the main protagonist (Gareth Koorzen) finds himself. Another fascinating thing is none of the characters are given names in this film. It also is filmed with a tinge green/yellow that gives it a nostalgic feel.

The protagonist goes hiking and camping in the woods/forest & is attacked during the night by an unsighted animal. He is rescued by a man (Drew Harwood) and took back to his home and slowly nursed back to health by a woman (Rebecca Fraiser)

The strange relationship dynamics between them builds tension to the ending. There is a bit of Broke back mountain going on in this too. To say this film is strange is like asking why the desert is so dry & devoid of water? The rhetorical question isn't the only thing that is left unanswered in this. Talking of things devoid then look no further than the ending that has the wtf moment that makes the viewer question why they watched this in the first place?! I am figuratively banging my head at an imaginary brick wall now!!!
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