Wow -- incredible work by a team of brilliant documentarians
16 January 2021
This is one outstanding project that is handled with amazing intelligence and sensitivity. It is too bad that the Academy Awards cannot be offered to a series, since it is probably one of the best of the year. However, it would be impossible to tell the story in only 2 hours or less.

The entire series is quite engrossing, without a single missed step or a massive amount of filler material. Each person who is on screen is engaging, in particular the main protagonist, India Oxenberg herself. In showing Keith Raniere's power over the women, there is an amazing amount of insider footage, and some of his speeches are overtly revealing of his sheer unabashed narcissism and sociopathy.

The one wild card that is still unclear is how he was able to coerce Allison Mack into the insider harum and have her carry out most of the insidious trafficking, and the other baffling mystery has to do with the Bronfman Sisters, the heiresses to a multi-billion dollar empire, who willingly gave Keith as much money as he needed to manipulate them. That is one story that would be worth pursuing, if anyone were able to do so.

India Oxenberg, as the daughter of a one-time successful actress, must have had a lack of self confidence that allowed her to become absorbed into the cult just as the women of Charles Manson and several other cult leaders did. The fact that she is intelligent, had a successful mother, and a very noble family lineage did not prepare her to be taken in by what seems like an obvious megalomaniac. Watching her take on the master manipulator and turning the tables on him is more fascinating than any mystery thriller script that Hollywood is churning out. As usual, truth is stranger than fiction and this series has enough plot twists to rival any detective or noir crime series currently out on the airwaves.
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