Roman among the Rembrandts in this comedy caper
20 January 2021
"A Gentleman at Heart" is a fair comedy caper that stars Cesar Romero and Milton Berle as the principal sources of the humor. Romero's Tony Miller is a big-time bookie in New York, and Berle's Lucky Cullen is one of his boys. Cullen gets in trouble with his boss by disguising his voice on the phone and impersonating a Southern gentleman who's betting the ponies. But he keeps losing and with a considerable debt, Tony discovers the ruse. But then, Lucky inherits a sizable art gallery in mid-town so Tony takes it over in payment of Lucky's debt.

The fun starts to roll when they go to case the joint and find Carole Landis as "Helen Mason," the manager. The plot soon develops with fake paintings, a hippy young modern artist, and romance developing between Tony and Helen. It's a light but funny and entertaining film.

Here are some favorite lines from this film.

Lucky Cullen, "But Tony, the birds are bloomin' and the flowers are singin' and it's healthy for ya." Tony Miller, "Not for your it isn't - get in."

Tony Miller, "Not bad. How come you never mentioned this uncle of yours?" Lucky Cullen, "The family never talked about him. He was the one who was honest and legitimate."

Tony Miller, "What'd you say they call this place?" Helen Mason "The Hamilton Museum of Art." Tony, "I always ducked this place. I thought it was a federal courthouse."

Tony Miller, "You got a good head on your shoulders. I wonder who's it is."
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