Slow narrative pace
31 January 2021
Phantom Thread tells the story of two people who, at first glance, could not be more different. In the course of the plot, however, it turns out that they need each other more than first thought. The relationship of the two seems strange, seems false, seems bizarre. It is put to regular tests, but no one can divide them, because they are connected by an invisible thread.

Rarely I have seen a movie where I would say the title is perfectly chosen. It represents both the frame story and the connection between the two main characters.

The first half of the movie is tough. The focus is primarily on Reynolds' passion towards his profession. It is fascinating to see how a person really subjects everything to a certain activity / conviction. Acting-wise, it's also really well played. Unfortunately, the movie as a whole didn't get going at this point. The plot dragged on and it wasn't clear to me in which direction the movie actually wanted to go. Drama, character study, love story or the cat and mouse game of two people trying to improve the other.

The staging, the accurate shots at first sight wonderfully reflect the attitude of the main character. As soon as it comes to looking inside, the movie has a hard time. It's addressed, you're supposed to think it, but as a viewer you can't empathize. This is mainly because the characters are anything but approachable.

Towards the end, the movie picks up speed again. However, this can't take away from the fact that the movie's running time is noticeable due to its slow narrative style. Phantom Thread is definitely a special movie, you have to be in the mood. If you don't know what it's about, then it can get you off on the wrong foot.
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