Ringing Bell (1978)
Emotionally odd movie
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I came into this movie not expecting much. After all, the poster looked disney esc enough that it wouldn't have too many surprises, twists, or mature themes. I was wrong. For better or worse I suppose.

The main issue I have with this film is it's lack of over all purpose. What was Chirin's goal really? First it was, trying to avenge my mother, to wanting to become stronger. From the same dang wolf that killed his mother? Like, what???

I've been told by someone who's also watched this movie that the message could be "try not to be succumbed to power" or something, something revenge. But Chirin was never full of hateful revenge or any long desire to murder. He doesn't kill the sheep at the end, he doesn't kill the wolf for no reason, and he doesn't go on a bloody rampage. So why and how could it be about revenge if Chirin never sought out revenge. I could see, maybe, the message being "don't just follow blindly by your peers." Which is something Chirin constantly seems to idiotically do throughout the movie.

Some scenes. With the dead birds or the dead mother, for example. Are the few things I think the film had going for it. But they were still lined with dumb ideas. Like when the wolf told Chirin that "some must die so others can survive." Yet, that same wolf goes and murders a ton of animals. Despite already having killed enough for food. So why the actual hell does the wolf have to say that? Maybe the snake, if he wasn't already murdered by Chirin, could have said that. It would make way more sense. Considering the snake was probably only killing the bird to survive.

So yeah, this movie is definitely for maturer audiences. And while it's not amazing, it's not horrible. And can still be enjoyed if you ignore the constant negatives.
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