What is this baffling episode trying to say?
28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this one manages to achieve a level of bad on the same level as 'The Alternative Factor' from TOS.

This is a completely joyless episode with no substance of any type to chew on.

A black dude dressed up as an Indian Sikh kidnaps Tasha Yar because he wants her to be his wife ---- I swear I didn't fall asleep during this episode ---- I think his ultimate goal was for his current wife to die in battle so he could get her land and having Tasha as a wife would just be the strawberry on top.

What's the message here?

Don't try to get your wife killed because she will kick you to the curb?

Starfleet Kungfu will help you win American Gladiator contests?

If I was President of Starfleet I would be adding a stipulation that kidnapping starfleet officers is a deal breaker.

The good stuff:
  • Beverly Crushers bouncing flowing beautiful mane of hair is as full and rich as ever in this episode.
  • We get a BFF scene for Data and LaForge. It was a nice diversion from the non sensical main plot.
  • Denise Crobsy was truly putting in some effort into her performance in this ridiculous episode. I ponder if this episode broke her will to perform on this show?

This was bad. I am such a star trek homer that I can almost always find something to love about any episode ---- This one was just a slog from start to finish.
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