Review of Night Flight

Night Flight (2014)
A must ride emotional roller coaster
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was torn whether to recommend this film. It was probably the grittiest, most painful, beautiful, gripping, difficult gay love story I've seen. It is not (BL) boy love, but...

Imagine the scene at the end of Where Your Eyes Linger (spoiler) where Kang-gook fights his way into the house to spend just a few more moments with Tae-joo as he realizes what he will do for love. Multiply the emotion in that series of events times one hundred. Then grab a box of tissues for your tears, a pillow in which to bury your head, and make sure your counselor is on speed dial. At least have an understanding friend handy. Then you might be prepared for the final few scenes of Night Flight.

In case it's not clear, it's not an easy movie to watch. There are school boys. And the world they live in is not forgiving. Especially to the gay character whose only respite is primarily his camera giving him a sometimes filtered and sometimes clearer view of his world. He lives in a tightly locked closet. To step out of that closet would be dangerous.

This is a love story. Our gay lead is hopelessly in love with the toughest of all of the tough guys. Not the best choice but as the film progresses we do get to see why and we also begin to fall in love. And feel the pain and hurt and consequences that must accompany it in this environment. His love results in several stupid, dangerous, impulsive actions. But love makes us all stupid sometimes.

I had to skip parts of the end. I'm easily triggered and if you are there is a (simulated) rape scene that is ugly in every way.

As painful as it was to even be aware that it just happened in the film, the events that follow are more than, well, ...Is there a stronger word for cathartic? Rewarding? Cleansing? Let's just say we get to see a damaged hero bring us justice. The revenge is brutal. But at this point in the movie it was what I needed. Love and anger pours out of those scenes. There is a kind of release in the violence.

For those who need a happy ending, this isn't a rainbows and kittens kind of ending. But it gives us hope. It lets us dream that maybe there is a rainbow for them somewhere.

I take it back. I'm recommending it. Go watch it. I'm still not over it. The smile itself is worth the ride.
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