The Past is a Different Country. They do things differently there.
13 March 2021
I recently watched this film after having seen it as a teenager. Both experiences touched me but in significantly different ways. Not unlike the storyline in the film ironically.

The film is beautifully crafted and almost perfect in every way. All the actors are brilliantly cast and do a great job at hiding only slightly their true emotions and motivations. Those who know and love The Age of Innocence will appreciate the way the story unfolds.

At its core is the story of how class norms and rigid rules of behavior affect an innocent young boy, at what surely is his most vulnerable time of his life.

Some may find the pace slow. I did when I first saw it as a teenager. Please give this film time to develop. Resist those swift "5 minutes and I am out" rules so many millennials tend to apply today. Resist please. And above all, give your full attention to this small masterpiece. Watch for the small changes in tone and body language these great actors provide us.

Then, when young viewers are a little older and life has provided them a few joys and pains, please revisit this film as I did. I sense your emotions may bathe over you as mine did recently.

Enjoy this film.
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