Doom Eternal (2020 Video Game)
A breath of fresh air in a crowded genre.
27 March 2021
There's so much to talk about in this game, but I gotta say that this game takes everything that made Doom 2016 great and improves on it. This is a game that's aimed more at FPS enthusiasts, but it's definitely worth it. If you're more casual and have played Doom 2016, I'd recommend playing at the lowest difficulty level the first time around to get used to the mechanics and gameplay elements.


  • Awesome weapon selection. Guns all have a use. You can't just use the super shotgun and the ballista. You have to use weapons for different enemy types (I.e. Use the plasma rifle to burst enemy shields)
  • Enemies all have distinct designs and attacks. The only enemy I loathe is the Marauder.

  • When you're playing the game, it's like there's a "flow". You have to master this flow in order to win the game. Forget Dark Souls, you have split seconds to react and think. It makes the game uniquely intense.

  • The level design is fantastic. I enjoyed some of the platforming. It felt cartoony yet fun.

  • This game really doesn't hold your hand. There isn't really any scripted events of quick time events. Don't go in here expecting Call of Duty style missions.

  • When you die, it feels fair.


  • The Marauders.

  • Platforming can be annoying at first. Minor complaint.

  • Difficultly spike from Doom 2016 may be annoying for some. Again, you can change the difficulty to your liking.

Solid 9/10. Tired of boring FPS games like Call of Duty? Here's something to truly test your skills.
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