Weaknesses on the narrative level
1 April 2021
'Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones'. Especially nice is the change of Anakin compared to the first part. In the first episode, you could tell that he was more than just self-confident, but his childlike manner covered that up and you didn't know what direction the whole thing was going to take. Now, as a young adult, Hayden Christensen manages to portray a character that represents a balancing act between arrogance and inner emotional conflicts.

He thinks that he is not given the necessary recognition and he tends to have uncontrolled outbursts of rage again and again, although in some places this is portrayed very exaggeratedly. Nevertheless, you can understand his motivation. He's not really likeable either, but he still manages to take the viewer on a journey.

But that's also because we already got to know Anakin in great detail in the first part. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to connect with the Anakin from episode 2.

What has actually always struck me as negative is the seemingly non-existent age difference between Padme and Anakin. In the first part, Padme looks so much older than him. 10 years later, Padme doesn't seem to have aged a day and Anakin has "caught up" with her. This is not something that makes the movie worse, but it is very noticeable.

What makes the film worse, however, is the seemingly endless and schmaltzy love story between the two. Of course, this is important for the overall story and also for the development of Anakin. However, the whole thing could have been presented much shorter and the same result would have been achieved.

The entire storyline around the clone warriors is interesting and exciting. Obi-Wan has also managed to emerge from the shadow of Qui-Gon. Visually, the planets, battles, etc. Look excellent across the board. There are also some allusions to future parts, which struck me as positive. Narratively, it hacks in some places, but still a good second part.
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