Dignified end
1 April 2021
'Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith'. Anakin's inner conflict comes to a head and becomes more and more extreme. The path to the dark side of the force seems to be paved.

There is no lack of grandiose battles in this movie. The initial space battle alone is outstandingly realized, has not been seen to this extent in previous Star Wars movies and does not have to hide from its successors.

Finally, Yoda himself twitches his lightsaber again before he goes into exile and disappears from the scene for the time being.

And last but not least, the epic final battle on the volcanic planet Mustafar. During this battle, the previous events replay before the inner eye, how it could come to this situation at all.

It also resonates with this pervasive tragedy. Anakin has chosen the dark path to help the person he loves the most. In the end, paradoxically, he himself is to blame for all the suffering he wanted to avoid. As expected, the mood is much darker than in the two predecessors.

Episode III is a brilliant and successful end to the trilogy. You've taken part in Anakin's development and you've learned the background of why things happened the way they did. This part manages both to create a suitable transition to episode 4, as well as to lead the events from the previous two episodes to a coherent end.
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