The Courier (2019)
"The Courier" delivers... a whole load of crap
10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies, ever. Here's what you'll get a kick out of, if you watch it:

1) Plot Holes galore. No, not one. Not two. Many. You would have thought the writer of this trash just fell off the turnip truck in the Eastern Bloc. (Well... maybe he did. This was his first screenplay.)

2) The acting is atrocious. Not completely with everyone, but pretty much. The witness is horrible. Either he doesn't know how to act, or the idiot director doesn't know how to direct actors. (Yes, the director is an idiot to have directed this poorly.) Oh, and the leader of the hit team who's also an FBI agent? His acting is the worst I've seen in YEARS.

3) No reality to the action sequences. First of all, when Kurylenko gets the crap beaten out of her regularly, there is NO way ANYONE could get back up. Yet she does, consistently. It's just not realistic. Massive guys kicking her butt, and her reactions show it. Yet she gets back up. Sorry. You want a woman heroine who kicks butt against the toughest dudes? There's a realistic limit to how many blows a person can even take. A recent movie that handled this well was "Anna." This movie is no "Anna." The director is an idiot.

4) No reality to anything. Not the action sequences, not where Kurylenko and the witness are supposedly trapped. Heck, even the bad guys' guns being biometric or "smart guns" is ludicrous. LUDICROUS. What group of bad guys or hit team would EVER use guns that no one else could fire but them?? Completely stupid and unrealistic. But the story is set up this way, so that Kurylenko can't use any of these. Beyond stupid.

Oh, but then near the end, she somehow finds a gun case just sitting there in the garage with a gun she can use against the sniper dude. What?? Really?? Just magically appears. Jesus, this was one steaming pile. Don't waste your time.
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