The ending I needed, but not the one I wanted
7 May 2021
The best way I can describe The Peacekeeper Wars is that it feels like a three hour summary of what would have been Farscape's fifth season had it not have been cancelled.

The big benefit to this is that at least they wrapped up the story, so you don't have to forever wonder about what could have been. This is ultimately a very good thing: what otherwise would have either not happened at all or would have been relegated to a short-lived comic series that'd be near impossible to find now got a proper ending.

The drawback is that it feels like a very abridged version of what the ending should have been. Moments that would have been poignant or heart wrenching in a twenty-two episode season feel rushed and forced in a two-part movie. Stuff that would have seemed like natural plot development if given room to breathe instead come off as stuff borrowed from fan fiction.

Ultimately I did like this, though I think it's only a small piece of what it could have been. While parts of this two-part miniseries felt like professionally produced fan fiction, it all more or less made sense as an ending to the story. None of it felt particularly jarring or out of character; it just needed more time for the plot to develop properly given the general pacing of the original show.
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