Criminal: UK: Edgar (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Amazingly boring
9 May 2021
Is this what passes for a police drama in the UK? I didn't think it was possible for David Tennant to be this boring. They might have well just filmed him watching paint dry. Seriously terrible. The British make some great TV, mostly comedy and scifi, but now I see why I've never before seen a British crime drama. Because they aren't worth exporting.

If you'd like to see a similar example which is well written, tense and has great acting check out the movie From The Hip. The movie starts out humorous, but the second part with John Hurt in a similar role as Tennant plays in this one is amazingly well done. THAT was tense and incredibly well done, THIS was a snooze fest.

Is this how things are done in the UK? Police badger and wear down a suspect during a 24 hour interrogation? That's not civil, that's abusive and coercive.
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