It's bad but it does entertain
14 May 2021
Tasha Yar is kidnapped and challenged to a fight to the death.

This is a much derided episode for numerous reasons that are justified, however I find it enjoyable in the category of episodes that are so bad they are good.

The story is simple, full of contrivances and random changes in tone. The dialogue is childish and much of the acting is either amateurish or lifeless, but it entertains almost to the point that it resembles a self-parody.

At first glance I would forgive someone for thinking they are watching a particularly camp episode of the original series, with its ridiculous costumes and awful fight choreography. Yareena looks like she's about to present an 80s fitness video as she prepares for battle. The less said about her and Tasha Yar pole dancing their way through their comical death-match the better.

Most of the actors do their best with poor material, however Will Wheaton seems to spend most of the time grinning like he's been offered a box of his favourite candy and Karole Selmon delivers her lines very awkwardly.

This is often referenced as racist and the worst TNG episode of all time. Personally I do not think it is racist, but I can see how it might be interpreted that way given the casting of black actors in the roles of primitive aliens and them acting out a tribal culture. They are definitely not positive roles by today's standards. I found 'The Naked Now', 'Skin of Evil', 'Angel One' and my personal series low point of 'Lonely Among Us' to be much worse. At least 'Code Of Honour' is actually entertaining in its own way.
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