Can not follow up on the first part
14 May 2021
'Matrix Reloaded' wants too much and wants to go one better on everything. What was the non plus ultra in the first part is now playschool. Agent Smith becomes an entire army, one guard becomes a quarter of a million.

The same goes for the special effects. I don't need to see something in slow motion every 5 minutes just to make it look cool. Quantity instead of quality seems to be the motto here. Used purposefully, this is definitely a suitable stylistic device. Unfortunately, it is used randomly.

Basically, the movie digresses into inanities, especially in the early stages. I'm thinking of this several-minute rave in Zion, for example. The movie wants to give insights into the everyday life of people living in reality. This is basically the logical next step, but unfortunately 'Matrix Reloaded' doesn't manage to relate to the people at any time. Everything seems sterile and unapproachable.

In the first part, fight sequences were used quite purposefully. Every fight had its meaning. Here, I have the feeling that the fights are pure show interludes.

'Matrix' didn't just stand out because of the action, but also brought a philosophical approach into play. Unfortunately, this approach is almost completely thrown overboard in the sequel. That's a shame, because it's a feature that can set it apart from the normal action genre.

The point that really bothers me the most is the transformation of Neo into a kind of Superman. He can do anything and seems almost invincible. I generally find these types of characters difficult, because it's hard to identify with them.

Finally, one plus point of the movie. The scenes on the freeway were really good. I would have liked to see this kind of staging for the rest of the movie as well.

In summary, 'Matrix Reloaded' falls far short of following in the big footsteps of its predecessor. More should have been made of the strengths and special features of the first part.
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