A Valentine's Date (2011 TV Movie)
Who's the Immature One?
21 May 2021
The Elisa Donovan character tells the husband whom she refuses to divorce, he needs to grow up; yet she harbors a petty high school jealousy for the girl who beat her out of h.s. Drama role and talks down to the diner owner (also a h.s. Friend). She is so self-absorbed, she hasn't been home in 6 years, she throws childish fits in front of the judge who is deciding the custody of the couple's 9 or 10-year-old daughter & even tries to compromise the judge on the street (can you say stalking). And, oh yes, misses important business deadlines and teleconferences she has sworn up and down she would meet when she knows she up for an EVP position at her bank. I definitely want this broad on my team. Not.

He certainly shares responsibility for not traveling to NY to visit, but when it comes to maturity - he's got her beat.
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