Call Your Mother: The Raines Games (2021)
Season 1, Episode 12
Jackie Says! Give Me That Damn Stick!!!
24 May 2021
After being caught in a lie, by the person who she fell ass back into a great relationship with, she was at first sad then pissed off at everyone, and she showed it, after hearing her Mother and Celia arguing, Jackie just couldn't control the fire in her as she grabbed that stick, as she blamed them for her losing Nick, someone her brother also loved as his man crush, which Celia caught right off the bat. Jackie wielded that stick so hard, as her hair, voice and all parts of her body went wild, which was something wonderful to see. This episode all of the women showed up for The Raines Games as they do all the time, if Nick wasn't there Lane would've been the only other man who showed up. Danny and Freddie always seem to be at a loss. Danny trying to avoid that stick as Jackie couldn't care where that stick was flying, her mind was only on Nick, who is now way more than a Sperm Donar.
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