It is better to left this files archived...
31 May 2021
Film titles that imply intricate, complex plots easily catch my attention. With a title like The Kane Files: Life of Trial (2010), I expected some The Bourne Identity (2002) vibes.

Because of his sick son, our protagonist Scott Kane needs to go back to a life he tried to bury. He accepts to complete one task for criminal kingpin Daniel in exchange for cash to pay for his son's treatments.

I have to admit I have nothing great to talk about in this film. It starts interesting, trying to build the main characters, but I think it just falls flat once the actual plot begins.

The Kane Files: Life of Trial tries a non-linear approach to the plot, which doesn't look appealing. Other than maybe one or two close to interesting plot twists, everything you experience a new segment to learn something new, you actually learn nothing, because you can predict the film's plot quite accurately.

No character is explored in a good way. They are all shallow and lifeless. I didn't care about any of them.

For someone who apparently is the best at what he used to do, he seems rusted. Either he was really desperate and not thinking straight, or he was not the best, just dismissable. I don't mind the main character is running from the bad guys, but when he can't even defuse a situation with three women while he's armed, well, I don't know...

Forget about files. You get none here.

In the end, I appreciate the short 86 minutes of screen time. The ending scene got me what I expected, no surprises. The film tries to add more to it, but nah, dismissable. Skip this one.
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