No Stranger To Danger
12 June 2021
Another Falcon adventure featuring a murder mystery, beautiful women, and bumbling police detectives. This one has a plane land by autopilot with nobody on board! Two industrialists are missing, along with the pilot. Then two ransom notes are sent and the daughter of one of the missing men naturally seeks out The Falcon for help. Cliff Clark and Ed Gargan provide a strong police presence as the cops who always seem to be one step behind hero Tom Lawrence. There are three beautiful women. Amelita Ward is Bonnie Caldwell, the Falcon's super annoying fiancé, who seems to scream every line. Amelita later married Leo Gorcey. Jean Brooks plays Iris Fairchild, and comes off best. She was already drinking heavily when TFID was made, but it doesn't show in her work here. Elaine Shepard plays Nancy Palmer. Aside from bringing The Falcon into the case, she doesn't have much to do here. Richard Martin, AKA Chito Rafferty, appears as a gun-toting hood who menaces the hero a time or two. The fun is trying to figure out who murderer is. I had it guessed wrong right up until the end. As always, the final scene features a beautiful girl rushing into The Falcon's arms and begging him to come solve her mystery, which introduces the next Falcon feature film. That next one is The Falcon and the Co-Eds, and both Jean Brooks and Amelita Ward are in that one, although in different roles. So glad that Bonnie Caldwell character was phased out.
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