Profoundly and Excellent
19 June 2021
The haters and indifferent should watch this movie.

Firstly, Fr Martin is the best example out there today of a person spreading the Gospel. He is finding people who are hurt but want the joy of the Gospel, and no offense but when Catholicism is done right, there is nothing better.

So Fr Martin is doing it right, and the joy to our brothers and sisters in Christ is amazing.

Then there are the haters. A word on people who flip out on the topic of gays: every one of them is so clearly a gay person who is repressing his feelings... thus the anger. The flamboyance is also laughably clear. It was downright funny seeing these people... male protesters on the street wearing sashes, the Militant Catholic guy... you have to see his haircut. And he shows off his sword... not at all phallic./s

So this is a great, feel-good documentary. Fr Martin is highly intelligent, a true example of the kind of person Jesus told us to be, and he forgives people who should have their computer blow up in their face (but only for comedy, not to injure them). There are many emotional feel-good moments in the film.

My joke: the pic of Pope F & Fr Jim, I said "hey, there's a pic of Pope Francis with a cardboard Fr Jim!" everyone laughed.
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