Review of The Finale

Seinfeld: The Finale (1998)
Season 9, Episode 22
Larry David nailed it
21 June 2021
What did people really expect for a series finale on a 30 minute sitcom about nothing? This 2 part finale was brilliant but reception was mainly negative and it even has the stars of Seinfeld & Larry David brainwashed that it was bad. What else could you possibly do for a 30 minute sitcom finale? Bring back all the people on the show throughout the years who the main cast butted heads with. Absolutely brilliant! Keeping in mind this was not a 1 hour drama where suspense and tension drew to some unexpected twist at the conclusion. Did people really want another 30 minute episode of the usual? Because other than coming up with what Larry David did that's pretty much what you would've gotten. Because the series was ending I believe the bar was set so high with expectations it was doomed to fail in the eyes of the majority no matter what other finale would have been presented to them.

Now I will be honest, as a Seinfeld fan, I was unable to watch the series finale when it aired due to travel and because we didn't have the convenience back then as we do today to watch anything on demand, I actually finally got to see the finale 4 years after it aired and I was very pleasantly surprised as well as impressed by the innovation of the script. I can't say for sure if the delay impacted my decision (I don't think it did) all I know is that Larry David nailed it and I only wish they would've aired the full 75 minutes as I still have yet to see the deleted scenes. The cast, crew & especially Larry David should all be very proud of this finale instead of what they currently think of it-brainwashed by the public after reception drew criticism thinking this 2 part masterpiece was a failure.
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