What can you say? I rate it highly because....
26 June 2021
I rate this flick highly because 1) it inhabits a tone management "space" normally associated with low-rate flicks; BUT: 2) Man! What it *does* with that selection of tone is amazing!

No question: It's boffo, to point where it's arguably outright ridiculous.

But... it settles comfortably in that zone and takes it about as far as you can go, given that constraint. You find yourself continuously having to admit to yourself that the Coens's make it work. They tell a story. Yes, it's over the top--on many levels!--but... you get a story, you get talented over-the-top characterization, you get... dare I say it, these days?... You get *entertained*.

And when it's over, you feel that the time viewing was oddly well-spent.

Besides being fun and funny and entertaining, all-'round.

It's worth watching, and I can recommend it with no guilt. If you go to watch it, then feel betrayed by this review, I'll personally apologize.
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