Worst series from Kung Fu Panda animations
27 June 2021
This is the worst series I have ever watched . Means there is no option below 1 , so given this . I am sorry guys the animation was good and I could see the hardwork of the creators and I am appreciating them . I don't recommend this to anyone . Guys don't be afraid it's not related to the real movie saga no where . First of all the series was so lengthy that it could be made much shorter . Then I am not satisfied with giving chi to these dumb children . The thing was so boring after some episodes . I am waiting for po with the furious five . This will take place in panda village. After some episodes the children will be like over confident about themselves and you guys don't like it after sometime . I am not at all satisfied with giving chi to the children it can be given to the furious five they also use it efficiently . Sorry guys for the spoiler but you need to know about this that's why . I don't recommend you guys to watch . I expected more from Kung Fu Panda creators and production about the story .
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