DeepStar Six (1989)
Too good to be so-bad-it's-good
1 July 2021
DeepStar 6" (1989), directed by Sean Cunningham (who directed the original "Friday the 13th" in 1980), was about an underwater science project that accidentally disturbs a deep sea monster (and they gave someone a "story by" credit for this!). I had to disqualify it from so-bad-it's-good status for a couple of reasons. First, the acting was too good. The cast was made up entirely of B list TV actors, and every one of them actually did a pretty decent job, especially considering a lot of dialogue was technobabble that I couldn't imagine applying to the real world. Second, the special effects (with one exception, see below) were fairly classy. On the other hand, it was so by-the-book you could make a drinking game out of guessing what will happen next and everyone would stay completely sober (unless a correct guess earned you a shot). Or perhaps you could guess the order in which order the characters will die; that way someone might have to take a drink at some point. But the most distinguishing feature of the movie was one of most ridiculous and scientifically implausible monsters I've ever seen, which for me made the movie memorable. Additional points must be given for the movie-long contest between Nia Peeples and Nancy Everhard over whose t-shirted braless boobs look better (though there's no actual nudity). I personally thought the smaller-boobed Nancy just nipped Nia. Good for a boring Sunday afternoon; certainly more riveting than golf.
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