Hardly lacks magic
2 July 2021
Of the 'The Arabian Nights' stories, 'Aladdin' is one of the deservedly best known and is my personal favourite. Even if it is on the slight side, the story has much charm and sense of wonder and has lost neither or its magic on repeated readings. That's how timeless it is. The best known version is Disney's, which is not what one calls faithful and more having a story that has major elements but is a wonderful film on its own merits and one of Disney's best.

It is hard to not expect a lot as both a child and adult, if you love the story and love other versions. If one loves much of Rabbit Ears Productions' work, count me as one of those people, and likes John Hurt as an actor, same thing applies with me, there is no reason to not see 'Aladdin and the Magic Lamp'. While it is not one of the best of the overall series, it is to me one of the better versions of the story as an adaptation and on its own terms. Disney's is still my personal favourite but if looking for an adaptation that follows the story quite closely 'Aladdin and the Magic Lamp' would fare better.

'Aladdin and the Magic Lamp' looks beautiful, simple but always elegant and lushly coloured. The palace and the insides of the cave are especially well done. Mickey Hart's music also fits surprisingly like a glove with the images, did initially worry because if familiar with his style elsewhere one would think that he was an odd choice and that his style would be out of place but it turned out not to be a concern.

Have always really liked Hurt and still do even after four years since his passing. He is a suitably dignified and warm-voiced narrator, with a voice that is immediately distinctive, and does the villainy of the sorcerer particularly well (Hurt showed quite a few times that he could do villains very well). The writing is never too complicated for children but never felt dumbed down for adults at the same time.

The story is charming and never felt dull, the magic and sense of wonder very much present. It could have done with a little more energy at times but not in a way that one is begging for it. It follows the original story quite closely and seeing the sorcerer's origin included was a good move and appreciated. The characters are well done, the sorcerer and the genie being the most colourful of the lot and Aladdin is not hard to root for.

Overall, great. 9/10.
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