Sadness and betrayal
4 July 2021
I felt incredible sadness for the family of Sophie, and also the betrayal by the judicial system in Ireland. From the DPP who wouldn't prosecute and dismissed domestic violence as "one of those things that happen", to the incompetence and corruption of the Gardia, and even the attitude of the Coroner who didn't arrive on the murder scene until days later. Maybe the murder of a woman didn't warrant a speedy response. Also, the self serving 'key witness' who was out with her ex-boyfriend that night, but felt her own welfare came above the murder of an innocent woman when it came to her conflicting statements. I found the partner of Ian Bailey blinded by the extreme violence and abuse suffered at the hands of the 'poet' and maybe if she hadn't stuck by him for so long, justice would have been served. Mostly, I found the egotistical, angry, self indulgence of Ian Bailey the hardest thing to stomach. Here we have a violent man, with extreme sexual fantasies, lying to the audience in a vain attempt to attract pity. Where is the justice for Sophie, and how can a community life with such a man?
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