Close Enough (2020–2022)
I think this is much more interesting than Regular Show. It is also the adult cartoon Regular Show could be if it wasn't on Cartoon Network.
9 July 2021
Regular Show an entertaining show most of the time with a lot of episodes, was just a regular show. After learning about The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, I wasn't sure if Regular Show actually promoted slackerist culture or not. Despite all the different animals and things in Regular Show, their world is very regular and the title is generic. Close Enough is...another regular show, probably even more regular than Regular Show because it focuses on humans instead of. A raccoon and a blue jay, but it has a more apt title. Josh and Emily strive to make a good life for Candice, their 5-year old daughter, and they need their divorced friends Alex and Bridgette to help them pay rent for a big apartment that Candice thought was a mansion in Sauceface. In some episodes, Josh makes some video games that we hope will sell one day, especially after the events of Clap Like This. Close Enough is a great spiritual successor to Regular Show, not because it can have more adult situations that Regular Show ever could, but because it has the same enticing formula in which a regular show could get into excitingly surreal situations. Close Enough came at the right time, for young adults who watched Regular Show as kids 10 years ago. Even kids who are two times Candice's age might enjoy Close Enough if they liked Regular Show, even though Close Enough is too old for them. The Singletons are not the best family, but they are close enough. I do not just watch Close Enough for human Mordecai and human Eileen, I also watch Close Enough for Kimiko Glenn because I absolutely adored her performances in DuckTales 2017 and Into the Spider-Verse.

My only disappointment for Close Enough is that 8 half-hour episodes per season is much too short for an amazing show like this! At least make 10-episode seasons like Rick and Morty. I appreciate the fact that Season 2 expanded Close Enough's scope a bit by giving us new episodes focusing on Bridgette, Randy, Pearle and Mr. Campbell like we haven't seen before in Season 1. I hope Season 3 will also have two episodes each focus on showing us more about Dante, Mr. Salt, Maddie and Trish without being as mundane as Mr. Campbell's story in World's Greatest Teacher.
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