Close Enough: Skate Dad/100% No Stress Day (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
The first really great episode of Close Enough.
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Josh wants to bond with his daughter, Candice, and see if she likes any of the things that he does. They share a common interest in skating, but after Josh gets hurt, Goosh becomes a better Skate Dad than Josh. Josh is jealous that Goosh was good at teaching Candice, and he challenges him to a skate down the dangerous hill of Baxter Street. Unfortunately, Candice skateboards down on her own, and they need to go rescue her. Josh tells Goosh that he wanted to teach Candice to skate because he was interested in skateboards as a kid and his dad never taught him skating. Goosh turns out to be a good guy who sympathizes with Josh because he also did skateboarding to reject his own dad. After Josh skateboards down the dangerous hill with Candice and Emily and survives, Goosh ends the episode by saying "That man's no skate dad. He's a skate father." Later, Emily needs to have a 100% no stress day with Bridgette, and Josh, Alex and Candice do everything on her to-do list for her. The last item on her list, the Earthquake ham, is a big challenge for them because all the hams were stolen by Wurst Bros. Josh uses his genius brain to find a way to escape the meat grinder, and after they raid the vault of stolen hams, they go on a high-speed chase away from Wurst Bros to bring their hams home. When the clowns that Alex told Josh about earlier come back, Josh remembers what Alex said about how they never back down from a bet, he bets his and Alex's lives that they can beat the clowns and Wurst Brothers in his Ladder World video game. Emily comes in to help Josh and Alex win their life bet and learns that video games are her thing for a no-stress day. I think this pair of episodes is when Close Enough really found its footing, and when Close Enough met my high expectations and finally became a jolly good regular show.
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