Close Enough: So Long Boys/Clap Like This (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
I would like to play Clap Like This.
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So Long Boys really made me question how to do a vasectomy. Josh wanted a vasectomy to not accidentally make another baby with Emily. Vasectomies are usually reversible, but not the way Calabasas Urologist does it by burning testicles with a robot's laser. Emily was very sad to pack up Candice's baby clothes. I liked the racial humor bit when Bridgette thought Emily would have seven babies, and allowed her to say something about Japanese people in return. Pearl handcuffs Bridgette to a pipe for being racist by mentioning Emily being Mexican. Josh rethinks a vasectomy after seeing a teenage brother and sister in the Future Father Fun ride who act like animatronic beings, but are actually teenage actors under exclusive contract. Josh and Alex find Cameron and Skye in their makeshift bedroom closet. Alex thinks he is their dad since he was a sperm donor there, and they look and act just like him. Emily runs to Calabasas Urologist to find Josh, but it gets locked down as he and Alex bust Cameron and Skye out of there and run away from the vasectomy robots. Emily sneaks in through the vent to find Josh, and they agree they are not ready to commit to having no more kids. Josh and Emily defeat the vasectomy robots by making them laser each other where their crotches would be. I was disappointed when I learned Skye and Cameron's dad was really a republican senator from Florida, because Alex was a great father figure to them and protected them from the robots when he thought they were his kids. I hope Cameron and Skye come by again to visit Alex in a later season. Clap Like This is a video game that I would love to play if it was real. It has screenshare, and everybody likes to clap their hands. I was very disappointed when Josh almost sold his game to San & Playus because Dev and Mel are just glorified assistants who tricked him. With their newfound riches from Clap Like This, the Singletons celebrate and Bridgette's 26th birthday at WeHo house. Bridgette's mom cuts her off financially and now she has to get a real job instead of just being a social media influencer. I was sad for Bridgette because folding clothes in Forever 23 didn't pay much, she thought the Singleton would buy their own house without her and Alex, and it turned out to be a scary job for her when the mannequins came to life and wanted to turn Bridgette into one of them. Josh needed a lot of extra shifts in Plugger-Inners and took Dante's dangerous off-the-books installations to pay off his family's credit card debt because he was embarrassed to tell Emily and Candice that he did not sell Clap Like This, but fortunately he told them before they bought their own house. After Josh installed a TV at Forever 23, he and his family get trapped with Bridgette because the mannequins want to turn them into mannequins for spare parts. Candice has fun playing Clap Like This, and screenshare mode saves Bridgette and the Singletons from the mannequins when they all clap their hands and their arms fall off. Bridgette's mom tells Bridgette she is not cut off anymore when she sees how little she earns at Forever 23. Bridgette is glad the Singletons are not moving out, but she still takes half of what her mom will give her because she does not want to live off of Alex's budget hummus. Clap Like This made me question how much I would work if I was desperate to earn a large sum of money, and I liked having David Hasselhoff voice himself in that scene where Josh installed a TV at his house.
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