The Shield: All In (2004)
Season 3, Episode 14
Potential best episode in the show so far with one of the best scenes in all of TV.
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now this episode has a lot going on, but I'm just going to focus on that scene in the end of the episode where Lem runs off to burn the money. This has become one of my favorite scenes in all of TV. All the actors are bringing everything they've got to this scene. Everything has been building up to this. Lem is obviously the best of them, always looking out for them, almost acting as their conscience, stopping them before they go too far, but often suppressed and corrupted. Lem has been strained from this too far and too long, even manifesting physically with an ulcer. It's totally believable Lem would do this, he's killing what made all of this happen in the first place, but his optimism in fixing this problem like that is misguided. Shane pulling the gun is devastating because it's showing that he's choosing the money over Lem. In a way Shane is right, burning the money isn't going to fix everything, but he is also misguided as his greed for the money always causes him to use violence instead of reason. Those looks all the characters give each other are just so sublime and impactful, as everyone realizes what they've become and done. This scene is one of the simplest and most powerful depictions of greed. To think the team would be broken up, and fight over scraps on the ground like animals after everything they've been through. The money, the greed, being burnt, bringing their own self destruction. When Lem says, "You guys- you guys are the only family I got, alright. I'm not gonna let any of us go to prison." I almost teared up right there. I had chills for the entire scene. Then Vic replies with, "That's a decision for the four of us to make." showing how Vic can't let go of the control, and may actually consider prison for them. Another devastating and misguided attempt to extinguish the fire brought out out by the greed. Lem saying "I've always gone along with everything you ever wanted, and all that's done is get us deeper and deeper into s***." puts his perspective perfectly. All the characters are right and wrong in their own ways but they bring out their worst sides because of the greed and it ruins all of them. The only way this scene could be better is if Ronnie was more developed, because honestly he's easily the least developed main character in the show and it's still one of the biggest flaws in the show, but I digress. Overall this episode was already amazing on its own, but the final scene brought it to a whole other level. I do want to do justice to the rest of the episode too, but honestly that scene has emotionally impacted me so much that I honestly can't bring myself to do it. Perhaps another time when I rewatch this show fully, but for now I'm satisfied enough just explaining why I love this scene so much.
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